Accessible Bathroom

Transfer60 Wheelchair Accessible Walk-In tub – 30″ x 60″ (76 x 152cm), Dual Drain Technology

Ella’s Bubbles has been manufacturing walk in tubs since 2005. Our tubs are made from the highest quality materials. All of our tubs are assembled and completely jetted in the USA using UL Certified parts from our close partners in California.

We have Walk in Tubs to fit all applications, and it is our guarantee to ensure that we fit the right tub to the individual client’s needs without any intrusive sales people or high pressure.

Ella’s Bubbles offers both inward and outward swinging doors to allow the bather the most accessible, easiest and safest entry of all walk in tubs. This can allow wheelchair users to have a bath without any assistance.

Transfer Feature Boxes
Transfer Feature Boxes

Our walk in tubs offer exclusive features such as the removable stainless steel door, gravity driven dual drain technology, patented swivel tray, Infusion™ MicroBubble Therapy, independently operated therapeutic foot massage, and much more! All of our exclusive features offer extra comfort, safety, convenience, and elegance to our walk in tub.

Our nation wide authorized resellers and professional installer network can work with any bath renovation project regardless of size including institutions, hospitality industry, hotels, nursing homes, care homes, hospitals, commercial, or residential. They will work with any individual home owner to make your bathrooms more accessible to everyone.

Contact Ella’s Bubbles by calling 800.480.6850 or filling out our FREE Estimate form for more info on how we can make your bathroom more accessible today.